It is my pleasure to announce the fourth edition of this customized guided tour that will take you into my homeland, a unique corner of the Italian Alps, just 100 km north of Venice. see map here
Walking is the main course of this experience, seasoned with other enticing ingredients.The 10-day program combines unique natural landscapes, history, deep-rooted traditions and a thriving heritage.

The tour is specifically designed to coincide with two spectacular local events in early August – the medieval spectacle of Palio di Feltre and Artigianato Vivo, one of the most important craft fairs in Veneto.

The daily routine of the tour is simple: hiking in the morning, time to rest and chill out in the afternoon, and optional pre-dinner activities in the early evening.
The food is another highlight of this experience, a culinary journey featuring carefully chosen restaurants and regional specialties, sometimes served with a creative twist.

Last but not least, our accommodations reflect a balance between simplicity, comfort and authenticity. Most of the establishments are cosy rural hotels surrounded by green mountains and breath-taking views.

The Italian Dolomites

The peculiarity of this type of accommodation – agriturismo in Italian – is the combination of lodging and agriculture, and most are family-run working farms. Thus, the concept of agriturismo also means proximity, friendliness, home-cooked food, and a strong commitment to sustainability.
The tour includes guided visits to the beautiful towns of Vittorio Veneto, Belluno and Feltre, with a chance to do a little shopping or just stroll along the historic streets. We also visit a winery in the Prosecco region for a tour and tasting.